Are you ready to CICASS with us?

CICASS are a group of parent's, children and adult victims of the UK Government who have been lied to, abused and harmed by the UK Government and it's associated organisations just like you following parental seperation, we are anyone and everyone who wants to STOP the archaic and profit making UK Family Courts in a civil and peaceful way of course by debate, legislitive change and state accountability for the harm they have caused people more so children ie an apology and public restorative measures.
The Circus started a long time ago, on entry you will see the main act who came on board in 2001, we will talk about these clowns more in our blogs but we are referring to CAFCASS - the rabbit hole goes deep with these guys or should we say girls as this public funded government organisation costs YOU £140,000,000.00 a year but has never been independently reviewed or put out to re tender, this organisation has a staggering +93% female workforce, a matriarchy?
The next lot of clowns you will see at this Circus are Judges, most are self employed, many close to retirement or retired they are paid excessive amounts of money to mumble, spin and ensure that the system drains parent's of money and children of parents, most Judges are stuck in 1980 andf the new one's stand little chance with their overbearing mentors fixated on paving the money trail for all aspiring barristers to walk along when they are gone. We have found most Judges have commercial interests, multiple conflicting associations and are in bed with their mates at CAFCASS, this show would be the one where one clown chases another as it is one CAFCASS officer who holds all the power in this Circus, much more than any Judge.
The side shows come along in the form of the Local Authorities, Police mainly female far right groups; yes we are all about equality but men just don't have the same support and voices when it comes to parentage and Family Courts it is women that are heard and favoured in most cases, this is a fact and we will talk about this more in our blogs as we do have FOI evidence to prove it. Remember all these acts speak to each other unnoficially outside of court and all will lie to achieve their chosen goal which tends to be money focused as we will explain in our blogs.
Remember there are two types of proceedings, public and private, we believe as do all os us most likely that at times some state intervention is required and this is public proceedings, amazingly Cafcass and HMCTS work with little pubic cases, most of their cases are now private one's! This is parental seperation, how crazy is that - an organisation and system designed for local authorities to protect children has in time been rolled out to interfere with all children of seperation and now works mostly in that area as appose to public/local authority work! Could all the children who the local authorities and courts failed have been better protected and lives saved if Cafcass and HMCTS spent more time working with them rather than interfering with every court applicaiton without permission from every parent of seperation?!
And remember folks when the Circus goes wrong all acts are protected! Judges are self employed, Cafcass are an NDGB, HMCTS are independent of the MOJ and so it goes on, we have all seen recently in 2024 when Judges messed up and a child died a 'Higher' Judge gave them all protection from being named! This Circus is full of corruption from the moment you enter until when you leave you will never forget it, it will haunt you and your kids forever.
So what do we want?
We want this never ending Circus to close it's doors once and for all! No child should suffer because of the natural act of parental seperation, no government should be profiteering from such a natural occurance as the UK Government do.
Public Enquiries and Civil and/or Criminal Charges bought against Government and organisational offenders
Legislitive change in the best interests of children of seperation
Public awareness and transparency
What Can I do?
We will talk about this more in our blogs but the main things you can do are;
Peacefully protest your local Courts and Cafcass offices (they tend to be close together!)
Check and sign any petitions online that are relevant
Subscribe to our site and use the CICASS brand - we are a free franchise for you to use
Let's do this!.....
CAFCASS remind us of trolls! Why? You probably know nothing about them until they come to get you, they hide in the dark, are sneaky, liers, quite thick in reality, wind things up and have the appearance of nasty little trolls even in the way they sound and walk, found a good CAFCASS officer actually focused on your kids? Lets us know!
Cafcass have a pattern of supporting the resident parent so if the non resident parent is male they will be accused of abuse, females tend to be told they are crazy, these are easy wins for Cafcass, rememver their goal is for one parent to pay CMS and court fees, it is likely the more empathetic and child focused parent is the non resident! Solicitors and Cafcass coach the resident parent to keep the child/children from the other as 'they will pay'.
Cafcass are an NDGB, this means Non Departmental Government Body, confusing right, the MOJ - Ministry Of Justice pay them with taxpayers money but want no responsibility for what they do, hmmm, so like someone paying someone else to commit a crime? Yep! The reason the MOJ have this approach is because they know CAFCASS are doing 'dirty' work but as an NDGB it is not their problem.
CAFCASS with no public consultation were born on 2001 and are the love child of the probation service and previous family courts, why were we not consulted? Why are probation involved in family courts? So many questions about this conception! Definately needed a safeguarding referral but again we were distracted they pushed them in without us realising!
Simply put, by the late 90's couples were not marrying, seperating easily, no assets, all amicable, kids living with both parents and yea in the 80's and 90's dad was at work and mum at home, it was what it was but times have changed now, the law hasn't nor have CAFCASS and although the governemnt were taxing divorce back then they could not tax unmarried parents, they had a long thing and along came CAFCASS, even recent FOI shows us applicants to family courts are almost gender even yet CAFCASS reccommend in over +94% of cases female/mum has residency, again back to CMS payments.
CAFCASS rarely work with kids, they play parents off against each other normally based on personal opinion! They use LCD's as we are all programmed to align to these assumptions, from a young age in the UK we are fed propaganda relating to the nurturing caring woman and the aggressive man, ever seen The A team looking after kids? We all know Mary was Jesus's mother but all we know about Joseph was his job!! Get it? You have been brainwashed! CAFCASS reports are almost always bias, always ambigous and in the most they breach legislitive guidance within, swaying the Judge before any court hearing.
CAFCASS have one main objective - use power to attain money, they are government slaves. CMS and HMCTS form's make the government billions,, god they love a form! CAFCASS are publically affiliated to Women's Aid but no comparable organisation supporting male victims of abuse, imagine if CAFCASS were a 5050 gender employer? Why do we promote and push equal gender roles in all public services but not this one?! £££££££
DO NOT BE SCARED OF CAFCASS TROLLS - JUST SAY NO! Refer to our independent report and just say no to CAFCASS, if they have no 'users' there is no need for them, the biggest mistake most of us made was speaking to them, insist on an ISW - Independent Social Worker from the outset.
You and your kids are likely be screwed by CAFCASS, would you gamble your kids lives with these power tripping toxic feminists and cuckolded weak men who work there? No!
CAFCASS Officers make you think they are like the Police as they are called Officer, they have no power! They are just social workers, it is your right not to speak to them, if you do and at the moment you may have to - take a barrister (we will talk more about this) - never speak to them on the phone, only email and never use EGRESS! It deletes your conversations.
CAFCASS are not fit for purpose and need to be closed down, most of the staff there setting the way are TUPE, this means they are stuck in the 80's , let Judges do their job as they are paid enough, let justice be done and seen to be done., get the trolls out of this Circus!
Some sideshows are great, real skill, real time spent genuine performers, some are money grabbing parasites there to do their thing and rush to the next gig!
Do I need a sideshow?
At the moment until we achieve our goals this process will cost you money, your money is best spent on a good and genuine Barrister yes, for every hearing, we can recommend them.
Research your Barrister, do they have any recent caselaw? Can you find out about their intent, do your research! Check for misconduct warnings, articles, speak to a few until you feel you have the right one, don't be tight, you will have to pay for their advocacy!
Solicitors? Don't bother, they are very expensive postbox sideshows and most are power and money greedy, instead use a good McKenzie friend, again we can recommend them. Solicitors will lie and manipulate however they can, they think they are smart but against a good barrister they melt into a blob.
In terms of their system the main heirarchy is as follows, solicitors are very low in the pecking order;
In it's current form you will have to spend money to get the rights of your children upheld and and fight off the other sideshows, our advice is spend it on a barrister.
Sadly if you are LIP - Litigant In person you will be trampled on by the system and the most useless of solicitors on the apposing side as it is like sitting at a dinner party and they are all talking about engineering but you know nothing about it! Remember most of these people know each other, solicitors, Judges, Barrister's, Cafcass, they sit in the pub and laugh about you on Friday's, if you applied to court for justice for your kids then wake up quickly!
We will also be seeking donations so we are able to help parents and children who do not have money to get a good barrister for their proceedings, imagine if a million people donated a quid?
Expect court proceedings to last one to five years in their initial stages and cost in the region of £30-150k+ depending on how it all goes,, yes it is a money game!
Essentially you may have to give up everything to get what is best for your kids, be prepared to lose it all to gain it all, just like gambling you are putting it all in without the knowledge of what you will 'win'.
Did you see the lady following the man around, getting in his face, knife throwing around his head, at the end she pins a teddy's head on a knife? Imagine now if a man had walked out and left this for a women to see....he would be hunted by arrest hungry Police Officers, arrested and charged with a threat to kill no? Remanded without a bail as a 'risk'? What if kids were present and witnessed her do this, safeguarding concern?
We digress...Safeguarding wasn't a word back then! It is first used around 2005 in guidance but Safeguarding was a word derived from safety and welfare, it was actually used and intended for vulnerable ADULTS! In the late 2000's it was stolen by Children's Social Services to be used for Children too and further down the line anyone can use it to accuse anyone else of anything! Isn't it funny how words and meanings evolve over time and are mis used! The word safeguarding has become the word in Family Courts to make sure one parent is restricted from seeing their child/children but in reality it normally is used with little to no context, maybe we should be looking at facts as appose to generic buzz words?
There are good people and bad people simple, nothing to do with gender! For every story of a man killing a woman there is a story of a woman killing a man, for every story of a man harming a child, there is a story of a woman harming a child but as the world is glued to screens and obsessed with hate, fixated on news and social media debate through government propaganda we only see one side of things, they love us all arguing online as it keeps us busy while they push their agenda through! Open your eyes, even for a month just cut out live tv and news and listen to podcasts instead.
Yes men are generally physically stronger than women but this is so they can protect women too no? If you are being chased down the street as a woman who would you run to for help a big man or a little woman? We live in a world where men and women are not defined by genitals until of course it comes to family courts! Where do all the men go when there is a war as women can not be conscripted!? What do all the women and children do, go to a safe place? Why do we assume all men want to harm women? Women are smart and can be very coercive no? There are cultural traits and upbringing/moral beliefs associated with adult behaviour but if you believe women are more likely victims of abuse you are wrong, for example; a woman who asks a man to kill her ex like the Josh Dunmore case in 2024 would find the man guilty of the crime, but the women initiated it? Women are more likley to talk about it and report it, men are abused and beaten by partners they are just too proud and masculine to report it, it isn't what men do.
But prisons are full of men! Prison stats show more men in prison yes but how many are in there as they committed crime to provide for their family? On the demands of a woman? The state will always use their flawed stats to bamboozle you into belief, did they not do the same in the plandemic when they were breaking all the rules they set for us and laughing at us when we lost family and weren't allowed to see them while they were making money through insidious companies their mates and families held, have you seen the whatsapp messages and images of their hanky panky while we suffered? It is us vs them, the elite vs the poor, there are more of us than them though and this is where we have power, men and women coming together for the greater good, if you believe we have a democracy in the UK you are wrong, we have a very organised dictatorship, the knights became the Police and barons became the MP's, the churches became HMRC, all money is still directed back to the monarchy and central government, the rich are still collecting from the poor, what you see about domestic abuse is what they want you to see! Check out our blogs for a more balanced understanding of domestic abuse.
Domestic Abuse and it's definitions have gone too far, the act of a man applying to court will soon be deemed abuse, CAFCASS recent guidance tells women to simply alledge rape or child sexual assault and dad isn't seeing the kids, this is now legislitive and discriminate as a man can never alledge a woman raped him, the crime doesn't exist in law! What drugs are these people on at Cafcass and HMCTS, why do they believe they are able and allowed to play God?
Did you know a man can not register a child's birth, a man still has to be named on a child's birth certificate by a woman yet a man can't do the same without the mother present? Did you know Cafcass claim to be the experts on parental alienation, a tactic used mostly by women to stop kids seeing dad but as it increased in factual evidence it is now completely dismissed as 'domestic abuse' and it's many variations and definitions now superceed all allegations of alienation!
Domestic Abuse is a crime and should be dealt with by the Police not Cafcass and Family Courts in kangaroo court trials of probability as appose to reasonable doubt! Ever argued with your boyfriend? Shouted at your girlfriend? Well in a family court all those fall outs are deemed domestic abuse! Ignored your fella? Controlling Behaviour! Told your lady you don't like what she is wearing? Controlling Behaviour!
Everyone is guilty of not being a perfect partner as such a thing doesn't exist but not everyone is guilty of domestic abuse, most family court trials findings of abuse are found to have no criminal merit with the Police or CPS! Children should not suffer due to parental seperation, it should not be about taking sides it should be about the best interests of the child, a child two people made, not one, the act of carrying a child does not give ownership when it comes to seperation, should children be treated as property or living beings with needs and feelings?
This propaganda video like many is far from the truth, CAFCASS have one objective - money! They don't care about your children and if they are under five probably won't speak to them! If they speak to older kids they coach them and put words in their mouth, we visited our local CAFCASS office and were disgusted to see within children's view and reach leaflets about rape, sexual offences, alcohol and drugs, talk about grooming! If a kid sees all that and then the officer mentions it about a parent what will the kids think about the recent words they have just learnt! Repeat them!
Check out our blogs, we have been down a deep rabbit hole investigating this organisation! Forced into legislation with mass opposition in 2001 they came from nowhere with one sole purpose - make men pay! (This is a systematic default, yes women are victims too but the majority of parents Cafcass harm are men, they are Misandrists and Matriarchal led.
Twenty Three years later they still fail children! Anywhere you look you will find it hard to find positive feedback for them, most of which will be their employees!
Theresa May, Anne Widdicombe and others have all said Cafcass are the biggest waste of money ever but they still exist why? Because they make sure HMCTS, CMS and other associated organisations make a lot of money!
JUST SAY NO to Cafcass, when you apply to court without warning they will call you - just say no, hang up, and when in court print or send our independent report on them, explain this with other publically available information means you have no faith in them and demand an ISW, you will need to do Part25 application but we can help with this don't worry!
The CMS is a PARENTAL SEPERATION TAX system, it is managed by the DWP! Currently out of around one million payers 800,000 are men! Many more men are 'paying' outside of CMS arrangements to ex partners in coercive deals of 'pay to see' kids.
The CMS very quickly demand money from the non resident parent when the resident parent contacts them regardless of how the resident parent aquired residency, ie by force. If they don't pay they can have their passport revoked, driving license removed or be put in prison yet the resident parent not putting the children first can not be punished! How do they know what I earn? They all share information about you without your permission!
CMS is then considered when DWP make benefit decisions so CMS is actually a benefit for single parents, paid for by other parents to substitute the state! Ie another tax!
Our advice until this system is reformed - Be self employed and live a very simple life with no assets, the more they know about the more they will come for.Use OFW to ensure spending is shared equally and recorded.
STOP PAYING! Change your bank account, they can't put all non payers in prison can they! Force the government to listen and reform.
The results from this survey are astonishing, from male and female prospectives CAFCASS are failing, this survey is a sound basis for a public enquiry, share it!
We think there is a need for social workers to involve themselves in some families, we all do right, but private family law does not need social workers involved or even court hearings if the government reform legislation to focus on children not parental conflict, the reluctancy is that peace makes them no money!
Use our CICASS brand and message to protest local Courts, Cafcass offices and HMCTS buildings.
Volunteer to be a McKenzie friend, be there for people who have little money but need support or report on local Family Court cases.
Start a blog, be part of our community, get on tik tok, you tube, let's CICASS virally and be heard!
We know some great people who can help you and we have a wide knowledge base across the UK, you are not alone and you are part of the change!
Contact us if you want help, support, to work with us or can donate to our campaign.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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